The Douglas House – North Branch Outing Club (NBOC) was established by T.E. Douglas after he realized his lumber business was on the decline. Douglas started promoting fly fishing on the North Branch of the Au Sable to prominent anglers of the time. Men and women anglers came from around the world to fly fish the North Branch of the AuSable. NBOC had members and guests such as Henry & Edsel Ford, Harvey Firestone, The Dodge Brothers, Thomas Edison, and Royalty from Europe.

NBOC is a fine example of Prarie and Victorian architecture and is one of the only remaining historic fly fishing lodges that was open to the public. In the glory days, anglers would come to the North Branch by train and then by automobile to experience the world class fly fishing on the river. Guests would also be treated to wonderful homecooked meals by Mrs. Douglas in the elegant dining room. The North Branch Outing Club was the true “Elite American” fly fishing destination!